About me

I have always been captivated by the hidden stories waiting to be uncovered in archives, memoirs, and primary sources. My passion lies in bringing these tales to life, particularly those that explore the complex worlds of espionage during the World Wars and the powerful influence of mass media propaganda. Often described as “narrative nonfiction,” my work seeks to combine the depth and accuracy of historical research with the vivid storytelling techniques of fiction—without ever inventing a single detail.

I believe that these stories deserve to be told with the utmost care and dedication. That’s why I personally immerse myself in years of meticulous research, sifting through rich archival materials to ensure every word is grounded in truth. My goal is to present history not as a distant past but as a living, breathing narrative—one that captures the imagination and leaves a lasting impact.

Spiritual Living and found a lot of like minded people and a minimum of religion, but still I could not find the answers to my questions. I started a journal December 13, 2010 to keep track of my journey. I started meditating a lot. I looked at more modalities and watched a lot of Youtube presentations on how to get out of poverty and into abundance. I kept getting small snippets of a modality that would work for me. I also started getting a system together that made sense and most of all worked. I kept refining it and seeing what else would work. On Sunday September 21, 2014, I had my first public presentation of System K. I only had two people come to my seminar and I only got $25 in my donation jar. But it was a start. System K has not changed much since that day. I found easier ways to Imprint wanted beliefs into ones’ being, but that is about all that changed. I had some presentations and a couple of seminars.

I kept letting people know that something new and good was out there. Awareness of System K started growing. It was nice to see how easy it was to find and clear unprocessed emotions and unconscious beliefs for other people. After I had got the system working well and had cleared my unprocessed emotions and unconscious beliefs, I started thinking that I should share to a wider audience. I never had thought about writing a book, becoming an author, but now it seemed to be the right thing to do.

And so I did it. I wrote the book. It sat on my computer for 2 years before I managed to get the money and the belief in myself to a critical point. I contacted the publishing house Kindle for a price. We came to an agreement to publish the book and print 250 copies as a starter. I sold my 78 MGB to get the money for an advertising campaign. And that is where we are now.